Re: TEST: extra credit - arithmetic

As far as I can see the first test here is

only-d == { d }
only-d == =15 p

only-e == { e }
only-e == =23 p

d-and-e == { e, d  }
d-and-e == = N-plus-M p

This is a contradiction, so any conclusion can arise.

The second test is, as far as I can see

p,q,r are functional properties

only-d == { d }

cardinality-N == all p only-d ^ = 15 p

cardinality-N-times-M == all q cardinality-N ^ =23 q

cardinality-N-times-M == all r only-d ^ =N-times-M r

Here q is functional so =23q is empty.
Therefore cardinality-N-times-M is empty.

What values of N-times-M make all r only-d ^ =N-times-M r empty?
Well, as r is functional, any value greater than 1 will do, so the
conclusion does not follow.

I haven't looked at the remaining tests.


Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 06:52:26 UTC