Re: SEM: Reaching consensus

I disagree with a large amount of Pat's message, particularly his
characterizations of my feelings and my positions.  However, I do agree
that removing Large OWL from the equation improves the chances of an
eventual success.  I would not go so far as to say that removing Large OWL
from the equation makes the chances of success very large, but it does
definitely improve the chances.

I would certainly not say that finishing Fast OWL is just a matter of
tweaking the details, although I am optimistic that Fast OWL can be
finished (and I have a document that, based on Pat's idea of having
owl:Thing be a subset of rdfs:Resource, contains an integrated
specification of something very close to Fast OWL).  There is one very
large caveat to this optimism, however, as the viability of an OWL based on
RDF(S) is dependant on a good RDF(S) specification, including datatypes and
model theory.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2002 10:34:54 UTC