Re: Refactoring OWL Lite - a proposal based on implementation in rule-based systems

[very insightful paper and clearly captures inconsistencies]

> That would get around some of the problems with enumerations; e.g.
> we can get from
>          :MyBrothers owl:oneOf (:Bob :John).
> to
>          :Bob rdf:type :MyBrothers
> with a rule:
>          statement(X, rdf:type, C) :- statement(C, owl:oneOf, L),
>                    statement(X, owl:member, L).

(thought it was L owl:item X instead of X owl:member L, but anyhow)
and then some supporting rules such as
    statement(L, owl:item, X) :- statement(L, rdf:first, X).
    statement(L, owl:item, X) :- statement(L, rdf:rest, B),
                                 statement(B, owl:item, X).
(although we are using binary predicates, but anyhow)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 18:23:40 UTC