LANG: new version of 2nd face-to-face full language document

Ian Horrocks, Frank van Harmelen, and I have been making changes to the
``Proposed OWL Knowledge Base Language'' document that was discussed at the
second face-to-face.  We have removed the frame layer (maybe only
temporarily, as the level-1 document may end up incorporated in a document
like this), removed the constructs that have been eliminated from the
language, added the constructs that have been added to the language, and
made other changes, including a much longer introduction.

We are sending the document as it stands to the WebOnt working group for
further discussion.

We propose that the working group produce a working draft that includes the
information in this document, as well as the information in the level-1
document, and that this be done in the near future.

I enclose the current version of the document.  As well, the document can
be found at
(This is not an archival location for the document, nor will it necessarily
be the location of the current version of the document in the future.)

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2002 10:40:31 UTC