Input versions

Identifiers used for OWL

Please note, that owl:Class is NOT equal to owl:class for URIs !
OWL 1.0 Reference D. Formal Spec Feature Synopsis DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres Comment
Non-Logical Stuff
owl:Ontology Ontology missing ? DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 ? PPS - XML Pres
owl:versionInfo - missing ? DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 ? PPS - XML Pres
owl:imports include Imports ? DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 ? PPS - XML Pres Technically what is done is inclusion
Class elements
owl:Class Class class Class ? PPS - XML Pres Why not rdfs:Class if MT is compatible ?

Maybe problematic: use of both owl:Class and rdfs:Class in Class Expressions (in Ref Descr.), where boolean combinations should be enclosed in whereas Enumerations should use

owl:disjointWith DisjointClasses disjoint DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:disjointUnionOf Missing Missing DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:sameClassAs EquivalentClasses sameClassAs DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:equivalentTo EquivalentClasses missing DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres Can drop equivalentTo since applies to class expressions only ?
Property restrictions
owl:allValuesFrom allValuesFrom eachValueFrom DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
someValuesFrom someValueFrom someValueFrom DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:cardinality exactly hasExactly DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
maxCardinality atmost hasAtMost DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:minCardinality atleast hasAtLeast DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
Boolean combination of class expressions
owl:intersectionOf IntersectionOf intersectionOf DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
unionOf UnionOf unionOf DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
complementOf ComplementOf complementOf DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
Property elements
ObjectProperty IndividualProperty missing DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
samePropertyAs EquivalentProperties samePropertyAs DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:UniqueProperty Functional functional DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
owl:UnambiguosProperty InverseFunctional isTheOnlyValueFor DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
Facts, Instances, Objects or Individuals.
Do dummy users know by default that we refer to the same thing ? examples ObjectProperty as a name, Instances as title of head in OWL R.D., fact ::= individual in F.S. ...
Individual Instance Individidual DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
differentIndividualFrom DifferentIndividuals differentIndividualFrom DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres
sameIndividualAs, sameIndividual in text SameIndividual sameIndividualAs DAML+OIL Spec of 03/2001 PPS - XML Pres