Re: yet another non-entailment (was Re: another revision of semantics document)

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> John rdf:type owl:Thing .
> does not entail
> John rdf:type _:x .
> _:x owl:oneOf _:l .
> _:l owl:first John .
> _:l owl:rest owl:nil .

Are these nonentailments fixable? i.e. are they just 'missing' or is it not
possible to make such entailments with the particular approach?

Pat, when you say that the 'Peter paradox' is not a problem with GHOWL, are
you saying that the paradox does not _exist_ given the particular MT, or do
you have some other reason to say that this, or any other, paradox is not a
'problem' -- am I missing the explanation for this in the MT?

Overall, I am really pleased to see that we've been able to move this
discussion onto tangable technical issues.


Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 14:50:56 UTC