RE: proposed resolution of Qualified Restrictions

> I think this issue deserves at the very least a written explanation for the
> archives. The minutes of the F2F do not have such an explanation.

The qualified restrictions of DAML+OIL:
- have added to the difficulty of learning the language
- have not been used in practice
- are barely understood by the community
- potentially add to the difficulty of implementing the language
- have no compelling use cases


> >
> > Proposed Resolution
> > ===================
> >
> > I propose that the WG
> > - decides that the qualified restrictions of DAML+OIL are not part of OWL.
> > - approves the test cases of
> >
> >   as reflecting this decision.
> > - closes the unmentioned-qualified-restrictions issue.
> >
> >

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 05:10:04 UTC