Re: TEST, SEM: test cases for dark triples

> > > >
> > > >   { ?s ?p ?o . ?o a ?C } log:implies { ?s a [ xx:functionOf ( ?p ?C
) ]


> But how does this help to tell me what the () in the entailment is?
> You appear to be adding undocumented extensions to N3.

the ( ?p ?C ) in the entailment is an N3 shorthand for
  _:x rdf:type owl:List .
  _:x owl:first ?p .
  _:x owl:rest _:y .
  _:y rdf:type owl:List .
  _:y owl:first ?C .
  _:y owl:rest owl:nil .

and that's how we use it in our stuff, nothing else


PS we also happen to use
   ( :a / :b ) as shorthand for  _:x rdf:type owl:List .
                                 _:x owl:first :a .
                                 _:x owl:rest :b .
   which is indeed a good remark

Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 12:40:04 UTC