Re: TEST, SEM: test cases for dark triples


> > OWL-entails
> >
> >   :John a ( owl:Restriction _:x owl:onProperty :child owl:hasClass _:x ) .


> I am confused as to what this syntax means.  Could you translate it back to
> RDF?  In particular, does this mean that Person ends up with a restriction
> on it, or is Person itself a restriction?

we actually just tried to express a restriction as a
functional term but we had better said something like

  { ?s ?p ?o . ?o a ?C } log:implies { ?s a [ xx:functionOf ( ?p ?C ) ] } .

or some such
and the () are indeed regular owl lists
sorry about the confusion


>> --
>> Jos

Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 10:58:57 UTC