Introduction for Deborah McGuinness from Stanford

I am Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist at the Knowledge
Systems Laboratory of Stanford University.  My main research interests
are in representing and reasoning with knowledge and applying this
research on the web and beyond.

I have been in knowledge representation, information organization and
retrieval, and net-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KR&R)
research and applications since I first joined Bell Labs in 1980.  I
helped design the initial AT&T videotex offering (in my opinion, the
first real “web” service effort) and also helped generate the North
American presentation level protocol standard (NAPLPS) in the early
80s.  We trialed net-based real estate services, greeting card
exchanges, interactive games, simple ontology backed searches, etc.  to
find that at least the US was not ready in the early 80s for such
services. Times have clearly changed !

I did my PhD while on staff at Bell labs and have spent about 16 years
in knowledge representation research (with stints out into industry to
deploy research).  I have a long history in Description Logics – being a
co-author of CLASSIC and NeoCLASSIC (some of the longest lived and used
description logics in existence) and have been the main liaison for the
CLASSIC group into the applications world helping to field a family of
configurators that has had over a 10 year deployment history with 17
individual configurators deployed at AT&T and Lucent  and also fielding
over 10 knowledge-enhanced search applications (based on my research
work on FindUR) at AT&T and Quintillion.

A driving force of my KR&R research is in creating knowledge
representation infrastructure (languages, environments, extensions,
publicity, whatever…) that allows knowledge representation and reasoning
to impact the main world (and not just the research world). This has
lead to my research on languages (like CLASSIC, NeoCLASSIC, OIL,
DAML-ONT, DAML+OIL, …) explaining reasoning systems [1], querying frame
systems and pruning object presentations [2], tutorials for DL and frame
systems [3],  ontology evolution environments [4], making KR&R systems
more usable in practice [5], …
I like to balance my work between research, making KR&R research usable
and have impact, and getting KR&R research out into the real world.
My consulting business does a little of all three, but more of the
latter.  VerticalNet’s OntoBuilder/OntoServer is one result of the third

I moved to Stanford in 1998 where I focused more on frame-based
representation systems and more government work while being the
technical project leader for Stanford’s knowledge systems laboratory in
DARPA’s high performance knowledge base project,  DARPA’s rapid
knowledge formation project, and most recently DARPA’s agent markup
language project.
I am co-author of Stanford’s ontology evolution environment (Chimaera).
I am a co-editor/author of DAML-ONT and I helped bring together the
European (largely OIL-based) community into the DAML project ultimately
resulting in DAML+OIL.

I am also one of the co-editors/authors of the webont submission to w3
based on our EU/US joint committee work on markup languages.

  More info can be found on my home page:

  My main airport is San Francisco, California  (but San Jose California
is also good).
(This would also be a good airport for Jonathan Dale and Stefan Decker
and also for the rep to be appointed by HP Palo alto.)

  <apt:name>San Francisco, San Francisco International Airport, CA,
United States</apt:name>

[1] explanation:,
[2] querying/pruning/matching:
[3]CLASSIC tutorials/CLASSIC:,
[4]Ontology environments:
collaborative topic builder for FindUR:
[5] more usability/reduction to practice:

 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
801 705 0941

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 20:57:16 UTC