RE: Issue: relative URI references in <scope>

What is the purpose of this change?  WebDAV uses full URI references
elsewhere:  the href returned in PROPFIND response, if header tagged lists,
Destination header.

Note also that HTTP is planning on transitioning to full URIs even in
Request-URI (full URIs can already be found most other places, e.g. Location
header).  From 2616:
   "To allow for transition to absoluteURIs in all requests in future
   versions of HTTP, all HTTP/1.1 servers MUST accept the absoluteURI
   form in requests, even though HTTP/1.1 clients will only generate
   them in requests to proxies."

The more rigorous approach would seem to be more consistent and safer, here.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Julian Reschke
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 6:07 AM
> To: dasl
> Subject: Issue: relative URI references in <scope>
> Hi,
> I am updating the draft to say that <scope> may use relative
> URI references
> (WebDAV clients/servers must be able to cope with them in other places
> anyway).
> I'm also adding an issue to clean up the usage of "URI" in
> the spec (URIs
> can't be relative, URI *references* can).
> Julian
> [1]
> <
> latest.html#rf
> c.issue.JW12>

Received on Sunday, 3 March 2002 11:19:10 UTC