Extend basicsearch


once again a question about extending the basicsearch, concerning content
based issues.

Suppose the server stores XML documents, and I want to find all documents
greater than 10000 bytes and concerning the patient "Otto", I'd like to

				<d:contains> [patient/name = 'Otto']

where the server defines, that <contains> expressions enclosed in brackets
are interpreted as xpath filter. Would that be covered by the standard? Or
would it make sense to introduce a new optional "%content_ops" operator, say
xpathfilter, to handle this?

Best regards,

Martin Wallmer
Research & Development
Software AG 			++49 6151 92 1831
Uhlandstr. 12
D 64297 Darmstadt

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 08:18:14 UTC