RE: proposal: replace 'rank' property with score'

> Merging scores from heterogeneous document engines is too 
> hard for DASL 1.0. 

A slight clarification: I wasn't talking about 
the heterogeneous document engine case. I was
talking about the homogeneous engine case:
Engine E will give a different score
for document D in collection C1 than it will
for document D in collection C2 relative to
query Q for most, but not all, existing engines, E.

It almost goes without saying that scores
from different engines are not comparable.

> Seems to
> me that trying to codify this in 1.0 i too hard.   

But, yes, I agree with you. DASL should not
try to address even more than one homogeneous
collection on release 1.0, let alone multiple
heterogeneous collections.

Alan Babich

Received on Friday, 24 July 1998 20:19:25 UTC