RE: Major flaw: inability to query within structure

At 11:48 AM 7/7/98 PDT, Saveen Reddy (Exchange) wrote:
>Jim, I disagree with your point about DASL being a failure if it doesn't
>[provide query within structure]
> DASL can be a success if it allows *some way* to
>access Dublin Core datatypes. Whether the DAV:simplesearch grammar
>actually permits this is the question.

In subsequent discussion I came to adopt the same position myself.  I
retract my objection.  

On the other hand, I think if DASL simplesearch can't query against the
resource type property, it really is a failure.  So we'll need to address
at least a little bit of structure.  The smallest possible bit would be to
allow for XML elements as literals.

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 1998 17:41:40 UTC