Re: test for default history content


Very encouraging to see such improvements to the official interpretation
algorithm being shared for everyone's benefit.
Thanks to all involved. Looking forward to apply them if/when they are
applied to the specification.

Best regards,

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Ate Douma <> wrote:

> On 02-04-14 16:10, Jim Barnett wrote:
>> If getTargetStates isn't needed to dereference history states, then it
>> can be
>> dropped altogether, because it is returning the same thing as
> Indeed. Which is how I'm using it.
>> - Jim
>> On 4/2/2014 5:27 AM, Ate Douma wrote:
>>> On 02-04-14 00:10, Jim Barnett wrote:
>>>> Ate,
>>>>     There is a problem if getTargetStates does not dereference history
>>>> states.
>>>> computeEntrySet calls it to produce the initial list of states for
>>>> addDescendentStatesToEnter to expand.  If getTargetStates doesn't
>>>> dereference
>>>> history states, they will get added to the statesToEnter list before
>>>> addDescendentStatesToEnter gets called - and history states should not
>>>> be on
>>>> statesToEnter. Furthermore, computeExitSet calls getTargetStates, and
>>>> it will
>>>> also need to know what the actual dereferenced target state set is.
>>> Right. And I realize I already solved this differently, and IMO
>>> elegantly, in
>>> my implementation :)
>>> The 'hint' leading to my implementation was the fact that
>>> addDescendantStatesToEnter (also) stores the state parameter in
>>> statesToEnter.
>>> And is expected to do so as it recursively is invoked for derived states
>>> which
>>> were not yet initially added to the statesToEnter.
>>> What I thus did instead is the following (in pseudo language):
>>>   procedure computeEntrySet(transitions, statesToEnter,
>>> statesForDefaultEntry)
>>>      enterableTargets = new OrderedSet()
>>>      historyTargets = new OrderedSet()
>>>      for t in transitions:
>>>          for s in getTargetState(
>>>           if isHistoryState(s):
>>>             historyTargets.add(s)
>>>           else
>>>             enterableTargets.add(s)
>>>      for s in enterableTargets:
>>> addDescendantStatesToEnter(s,statesToEnter,statesForDefaultEntry)
>>>      for h in historyTargets:
>>> addDescendantStatesToEnter(h,statesToEnter,statesForDefaultEntry)
>>>      // unmodified below
>>>      for t in transitions:
>>>           ancestor = getTransitionDomain(t)
>>>           for s in getTargetStates(
>>>               addAncestorStatesToEnter(s, ancestor, statesToEnter,
>>> statesForDefaultEntry)
>>> This way, no history state is added to enterableStates because
>>> addDescendantStatesToEnter only does this for non-history states.
>>> Note that addAncestorStatesToEnter will work just fine with a history
>>> state as
>>> parameter.
>>> Finally, concerning computeExitSet: this also isn't a problem in my
>>> implementation because I already 'compile' the source of a history
>>> transition
>>> to that of its parent state, and actually (thus) can 'compile' the
>>> transitionDomain and the targets of a transition at document load time.
>>> In pseudo-language in the algorithm, this also can easily be catered for
>>> if
>>> you update getTransitionDomain as follows:
>>>   function getTransitionDomain(t)
>>>     tstates = getTargetStates(
>>>     if not tstates
>>>         return t.source
>>>     state = t.source
>>>     if isHistoryState(t.source):
>>>       state = t.source.parent
>>>     if t.type == "internal" and isCompoundState(state) and
>>> tstates.every(lambda s: isDescendant(s,state)):
>>>         return state
>>>     else:
>>>         return findLCCA([state].append(tstates))
>>> The above can further be optimized by filtering out the history targets
>>> from
>>> being passed to the lambda expression or from the findLCCA(stateList),
>>> but it
>>> isn't necessary either.
>>> With the above minor improvements, the getTargets(transition) as well as
>>> the
>>> getTransitionDomain(transition) procedures can remain 'stateless' (not
>>> history
>>> state aware) and can be compiled at load time.
>>> If you add history dereferencing to getTargets(transition) this no
>>> longer will
>>> be possible, so IMO is something we should try not to do.
>>>> It's a big gap in the algorithm that getTargetStates isn't defined - I'm
>>>> assuming that it was in an earlier version, and got lost somewhere.
>>>> In any case we need multiple fixes so that: 1) history states don't end
>>>> up on
>>>> the statesToEnter list and 2) default history executable content gets
>>>> recorded.
>>> See my above proposed changes, AFAICT it solves 1) elegantly and then 2)
>>> no
>>> longer is an issue (already solved by the earlier update to the
>>> algorithm).
>>> Regards,
>>> Ate
>>>> - Jim
>>>> On 4/1/2014 2:45 PM, Ate Douma wrote:
>>>>> On 29-03-14 20:26, Zjnue Brzavi wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Jim Barnett <
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>     Zjnue,
>>>>>>       I agree that we need more tests, but why would
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent
>>>>>> need
>>>>>>     to get passed to getTargetStates?  It's just an accessor function.
>>>>>> Though I
>>>>>>     do think we have to consider how getTransitionDomain and findLCCA
>>>>>> should
>>>>>>     handle history states. They ignore them at the moment, and
>>>>>> _maybe_ that's
>>>>>> ok...
>>>>>>     - Jim
>>>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>>> Perhaps as quick background, my implementation follows (atm) the
>>>>>> proposed
>>>>>> algorithm pretty much verbatim, in order to aid debugging for cases
>>>>>> like this
>>>>>> and to make getting started with SCXML a little easier for myself and
>>>>>> others.
>>>>>> Simply put, the recently published changes to the algorithm for
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent support are not satisfying test579.
>>>>>> While the getTargetStates function seems pretty harmless, it is also
>>>>>> hisory-aware and can redirect a transition target.
>>>>> Hi Zjnue,
>>>>> Sorry for chiming in this late, and going back to this earlier
>>>>> message, but
>>>>> I'm puzzled by the above statement.
>>>>> I can find no indication in the algorithm nor in the specification
>>>>> text that
>>>>> the getTargetStates function is supposed to do anything more than just
>>>>> returning the direct target(s) of a transition.
>>>>> It seems to me that the problems you encountered are actually *caused*
>>>>> by the
>>>>> the history-awareness and dereferencing in your getTargetStates
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> AFAICT the pseudo algorithm expects it will take care of the history
>>>>> dereferencing itself in the addDescendantStatesToEnter procedure.
>>>>> If you do this upfront in you getTargetStates implementation, the
>>>>> addDescendantStatesToEnter never will get to 'see' a history state as
>>>>> it is
>>>>> supposed to, and neither can it then handle the default history
>>>>> content as
>>>>> just was added.
>>>>> I just completed the implementation of the current algorithm for Apache
>>>>> Commons SCXML (although not yet committed), and I now can successfully
>>>>> run
>>>>> test579, so it seems to me the proposed change simply works as
>>>>> expected.
>>>>> But maybe I'm overlooking some other specification requirements for
>>>>> getTargetStates?
>>>>> I'd appreciate some pointers in that case :)
>>>>> Regards, Ate
>>>>>  In the case of test579, the <initial> transition, targets <history
>>>>>> id="sh1">,
>>>>>> but is effectively redirected to <state id="s01" >, skipping any
>>>>>> executable
>>>>>> content of <history> along the way.
>>>>>> Please take a look at my code for getTargetStates and getTargetState
>>>>>> below
>>>>>> [1].
>>>>>> It is only with the following two lines present in getTargetState:
>>>>>>                      if( defaultHistoryContent != null &&
>>>>>> h.parent.exists("id") )
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent.set(h.parent.get("id"),
>>>>>> h.transition().next());
>>>>>> ..that 579 passes.
>>>>>> As mentioned, I did not look at it in depth and will not be able to
>>>>>> spend more
>>>>>> time on it over the next few days unfortunately.
>>>>>> So in summary, after adding the published additions to the algorithm,
>>>>>> test579
>>>>>> did not pass.
>>>>>> It was only after the changes to getTargetStates that it did.
>>>>>> Hope this helps for now.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Zjnue
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>      function getTargetStates( node : Node, ?defaultHistoryContent :
>>>>>> Hash<Iterable<Node>> ) : List<Node> {
>>>>>>          var l = new List<Node>();
>>>>>>          if( !node.exists("target") )
>>>>>>              return l;
>>>>>>          var ids = node.get("target").split(" ");
>>>>>>          var top = node;
>>>>>>          while( top.parent != null && !top.isTScxml() )
>>>>>>              top = top.parent;
>>>>>>          for( id in ids ) {
>>>>>>              var ts = getTargetState(top, id, defaultHistoryContent);
>>>>>>              for( tss in ts )
>>>>>>                  l.add( tss );
>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>          return l;
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      function getTargetState( s : Node, id : String,
>>>>>> ?defaultHistoryContent :
>>>>>> Hash<Iterable<Node>> ) : List<Node> {
>>>>>>          if( s.get("id") == id )
>>>>>>              return [s].toList();
>>>>>>          else {
>>>>>>              for( child in s.getChildStates() ) {
>>>>>>                  var ss = getTargetState(child, id,
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent);
>>>>>>                  if( ss != null )
>>>>>>                      return ss;
>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>              for( h in s.history() ) {
>>>>>>                  var hh = getTargetState(h, id);
>>>>>>                  if( hh != null ) {
>>>>>>                      if( defaultHistoryContent != null &&
>>>>>> h.parent.exists("id") )
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent.set(h.parent.get("id"),
>>>>>> h.transition().next());
>>>>>>                      return historyValue.exists( h.get("id") ) ?
>>>>>>                          historyValue.get( h.get("id") ) :
>>>>>>                          getTargetStates( h.transition().next(),
>>>>>> defaultHistoryContent );
>>>>>>                  }
>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>          return null;
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>     On 3/28/2014 8:51 PM, Zjnue Brzavi wrote:
>>>>>>>         I've added test579 to the suite.  Let me know if there are
>>>>>>> problems
>>>>>>>         with it or if you think there need to be more/different
>>>>>>> tests.--
>>>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>>>     Not had a very good look yet, but it appears we'll need to pass
>>>>>>>     defaultHistoryContent to getTargetStates as well, as it is
>>>>>>> another area
>>>>>>>     where the algorithm is skipping past some history elements
>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>     considering their executable content. This diff passes test579 :
>>>>>>> 4b9091470d3c7c1995e6b41900535e0437ec3eb4
>>>>>>>     Another test or 2 on the subject is probably a good idea.
>>>>>>>     Best regards,
>>>>>>>     Zjnue
>>>>>>     --
>>>>>>     Jim Barnett
>>>>>>     Genesys

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 09:57:29 UTC