Voice Browser Call Control (CCXML) is published as a W3C Proposed Recommendation

I am pleased to announce that the Voice Browser Call Control (CCXML)  
was published as a W3C Proposed Recommendation on 10 May, 2011.

CCXML provides declarative markup to describe telephony call control  
for dialog systems such as VoiceXML.  CCXML can provide a complete  
telephony service application, comprised of Web server CGI compliant  
application logic and one or more CCXML documents to declare and  
perform call control actions and to control one or more dialog  
applications that perform user media interactions.  While designed to  
complement and integrate with a VoiceXML interpreter, CCXML could also  
easily be integrated with a more traditional Interactive Voice  
Response system or a 3GPP Media Resource Function.

The specification is now available as follows.

This version:

Latest version:

The AC review period ends June 10.

Thanks to the CCXML team for all their hard work!

Dan Burnett
Chair, Voice Browser Working Group
Director of Speech Technologies and Standards, Voxeo

Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 00:29:54 UTC