Re: July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7: improper error event used in <join> - ISSUE-745 (Was ISSUE-692)


You are correct, I misinterpreted the test. Sorry for the noise.


On 27.8.2010 14:51, Baggia Paolo wrote:
> Petr,
> We are in the process to address all ISSUES related to IR. The goal is to finalize the test-suite during the PR transition.
> Please explicitly confirm that you accept the proposed resolution or after one week we will consider it implicitly accepted.
> If you need clarifications, please ask them very soon.
> Paolo Baggia
> Author of CCXML-IR Plan
> ISSUE-745:
> We suspect you misinterpreted the test. The 'general_connid' is correct, while 'session.values.sessionOneConnID' is also correct but cannot be used because it belongs to another section.
> This to test the following assertion #962:
>    "Any Connections or Dialogs referenced by the 'id1' and 'id2' attributes
>     of join MUST be owned by the session performing the join."
> Therefore an error.conference.join must be generated.
> =================================
> From: RJ Auburn<>
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 10:58:31 -0400
> Cc: www-voice<>, W3C Voice Browser Working Group<>
> Message-Id:<>
> To: Petr Kuba<>
> Ok, I take that back, this is now being broken out as ISSUE-745. PAolo will reply with details on this shortly.
> 	RJ
> ---
> RJ Auburn
> CTO, Voxeo Corporation
> tel:+1-407-418-1800
> On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:54 AM, RJ Auburn wrote:
>> To confirm this is being tracked as ISSUE-692
>> On Jul 26, 2010, at 7:50 AM, Petr Kuba wrote:
>>> Hello www-voice,
>>> In 10_5_7, script 10_5_7_A_962.ccxml, assertion 962, the following code is used:
>>> 	<join id1="session.values.sessionOneConnID"
>>> 		id2="general_connid"/>
>>> Since general_connid is incorrect<join>  must fail. The test expects that error.conference.join should be sent in this case.
>>> In this case we are not sure whether error.conference.join or error.semantic event should be thrown.
>>> For further discussion see our previous message:
>>> This was tracked as ISSUE-692 and we are still waiting for the resolution.
>>> Please clarify on this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Petr
>>> --
>>> Petr Kuba, Project Manager
>>> OptimSys, s.r.o
>>> Tel: +420 541 143 065
>>> Fax: +420 541 143 066

Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 13:54:15 UTC