CCXML Implementation Report: asserts 714 and 715


We believe that the script 6_1.txml for testing Assers 714 and 715
(required properties sessionid and reason of the ccxml.kill event) is
not correct because it breaks the following part of the specification:

CCXML specification, Section 9.1:

"...however, it is legal for external sources and for events created
using <send>  to generate standard events. For instance, it is useful to 
be able to generate a ccxml.kill event to attempt graceful termination 
of a session from an external context, or from another CCXML session. 
Platforms SHOULD reject any standard events that do not contain all of 
the mandatory properties defined in this specification, and SHOULD 
notify the sender of the rejection (for instance with an error.send event)."

We believe that the following statement at line 573, 6_1.txml breaks the 
specification because it does not contain required properties sessionid 
and reason:

<send target="childSessionId" targettype="'ccxml'" name="'ccxml.kill'"

Therefore the event SHOULD be rejected and the asserts 714 and 715
cannot pass.

Could you please look into this?

Best Regards,
Petr Kuba

    Petr Kuba, Project Manager
    OptimSys, s.r.o
    Tel: +420 541 143 065
    Fax: +420 541 143 066

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2010 15:05:47 UTC