1st working draft VXML 3.0 now available

Requests for improvements to VoiceXML 2.0/2.1 fell into two main 
categories: extensibility and new functionality.  To accommodate both, 
the Voice Browser Working Group first developed the detailed semantic 
descriptions of VoiceXML that versions 2.0 and 2.1 lacked. From there it 
was possible to describe semantics for new functionality and to 
restructure the language syntactically to improve extensibility.  The 
resultig first working draft of Voice Extensible Markup Language 
(VoiceXML) 3.0 is now available at http://www.w3.org/TR/voicexml30/

Keep in mind that this is the FIRST working draft.  There are several 
undefined sections and open questions that remain to be resolved. We 
solicit your comments and feedback which can be e-mailed to 


Jim Larson & Scott McGlashan,
Co-chairs, W3C Voice Browser Working Group.

Received on Monday, 22 December 2008 21:11:02 UTC