Oktopous 1.2 CCXML Interpreter available for free download

Hello everyone,

We had released the first open source CCXML browser called Oktopous, couple
of years back when CCXML
was in it's nascent stage. It was adopted by a lot of people as it was the
only freely available interpreter that people
can play with and learn the advantages of CCXML.

Today we have released Oktopous 1.2 as a "free for trial" software. This
release conforms to the latest CCXML
Spec and also incorporates performance improvements. We hope that this
release will be a great tool for the
members of this community to tryout the latest CCXML spec.

for Phonologies (India) Pvt Ltd

Raj Kiran Talusani.

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2008 04:24:59 UTC