www-voice@w3.org from October to December 2007 by subject

<goto> in SCXML

[CCXML] Query regarding <dialogstart> command - ISSUE-106 - ISSUE-229

[CCXML]Regarding namelist attribute - ISSUE-238

[pls] minor updates on the implementation report plan (was Re: W3C publishes Pronunciation Lexicon Specification Candidate Recommendation)

Capitalization of text of utterances matching SRGS grammars

CCXML "event" attribute in <move> element - ISSUE-111

CCXML : Query regarding error.semantic - ISSUE-235

Clarification regarding SISR Recommendation

Confidence Scoring Weirdness

Help: Voice Gateway

invalid schema xsd posted


Normative content type of SRGS grammars?

query. - ISSUE-234

SCXML cancel event?

SISR Recommendation: _attributes and _nsprefix in arrays

SISR Recommendation: _value and _attributes

SISR: Can global tags be placed after the first rule?

SSML 1.1 October 2007 meeting summary

Summary of the Nov 5-6 VBWG Face-to-Face meeting

Time for a meeting time with Forms WG at the tech plenary?

VXML containing SRGS grammars with semantic errors

VXML-CCXML integration - Updating VoiceXML session variables - ISSUE-112

VXML: Regarding prompt selection after catch

W3C publishes Pronunciation Lexicon Specification Candidate Recommendation

Last message date: Thursday, 20 December 2007 15:05:51 UTC