Call for Paper: ESWC2005 Workshop on Voice, Natural Language and Semantic Web Technologies (VNLSW2005)

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                 CALL FOR PAPERS

      Workshop on Voice, Natural Language and 
       Semantic Web Technologies (VNLSW2005)

                 co-located with
       2nd European Semantic Web Conference
        May 29th, 2005, Heraklion, Greece


In this workshop we want to bring together researchers and practitioners
from the R&D areas of Voice Recognition and Generation, of Natural Language
Processing and of Ontologies and the Semantic Web. The main objective is to
have discussions about how these different but complimentary technologies
can be integrated together so as to provide added value multi-channel
services to content and service providers, as well as to end users.

In the current state of the art we can find successful and unsuccessful
stories of the isolated use of these technologies in different types of
applications, as well as of the integration of any of the combinations of
two of them (voice and natural language, voice and Semantic Web, and natural
language and Semantic Web). However it is not easy to find these types of
stories about the integration of the three types of technologies. For
instance, in a recent survey of EU IST projects performed in the context of
the EU IST project HOPS, it was found out that many of them dealt
specifically with only one of these areas, and around 10 projects looked at
more than one area, but never at the three of them.

Therefore in this workshop we encourage submissions about the following
topics (although not limited to them):
- Successful and unsuccessful stories, and lessons learned about the
integration of the three technologies. 
- Dialogue modelling, strategies and evaluation in the combination of these
three technologies. 
- Vision papers about the added value that the integration of these three
technologies can provide over their isolated application or over their
partial integration. 

The objective of this workshop is to stimulate cross-discipline discussions.
Hence we will aim at having extensive time for discussion following each

This workshop is supported by the EU IST 2002-507967 project HOPS, whose
objective is the enabling of an intelligent natural language based Hub for
the deployment of advanced semantically enriched multi-channel mass-scale
Online Public Services.

Deadline paper submissions: March 31th, 2005
Notification of acceptance: April 15th, 2005
Camera ready deadline: May 1st, 2005
Workshop: May 29th, 2005

Interested authors should submit an electronic PDF version of their papers
to Oscar Corcho ( prior the paper submission deadline.
Submissions should not exceed 12 pages and should be formatted according to
the guidelines of the main conference (Springer LNCS format).

The workshop organising committee contains members from the three main areas
identified in the workshop proposal (Ontologies and Semantic Web, Voice
Technologies and Natural Language):

Oscar Corcho (Contact Person)
Intelligent Software Components (iSOCO)

Paolo Baggia
Loquendo SpA (Italy)

Thierry Declerck
DFKI GmbH (Germany)

Alain Légér, FranceTelecom R&D (FR) 
Aldo Gangemi, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (IT) 
Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES) 
Dave Raggett, Canon/W3C 
Deborah Dahl, Conversational Technologies & chair of W3C Multimodal
Interaction Working Group (US) 
Farouk Toumani, LIMOS, Université Blaise Pascal (FR) 
Franciska de Jong, University of Twente (NL) 
James A. Larson, Intel Corporation & Co-chair of W3C Voice Browser
Working Group (US) 
Jesús Contreras, iSOCO (ES) 
Johannes Heinecke, FranceTelecom R&D (FR) 
Leonardo Lesmo, Politécnico di Torino (IT) 
Marcello Federico, IRST Trento (IT) 
Marta Gatius, TALP, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (ES) 
Max Froumentin, W3C 
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Université P. Sabatier (FR) 
Norbert Reithinger, DFKI (GE) 
Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (ES) 
Roberto Pieraccini, IBM (US) 
Scott McGlashan, HP & Co-chair of W3C Voice Browser Working Group (SE)
Sheyla Militello, Loquendo (IT) 

Dr. Oscar Corcho (iSOCO Madrid)
Pedro de Valdivia, 10
28006 Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 913 349 745
Fax. +34 913 349 799

Gruppo Telecom Italia - Direzione e coordinamento di Telecom Italia S.p.A.

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