Problema convalidazione sito


scrivo perché non riesco a capire come risolvere il seguente problema”

Warning: This document appears to be written in Italian. Consider adding lang="it" (or variant) to the html start tag.

From line 1, column 16; to line 3, column 6<>

TYPE html>↩↩<html>↩↩<hea

For further guidance, consult Declaring the overall language of a page<> and Choosing language tags<>.

If the HTML checker has misidentified the language of this document, please file an issue report<> or send e-mail to report the problem<>.”, che mi viene segnalato quando provo a convalidare il sito.

Volevo sapere cosa devo fare per riuscire a risolverlo.

In attesa…

Cordiali Saluti.

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2018 06:24:28 UTC