Re: Nu Html Checker, 2017-03-15 18:49 -0700:
> Archived-At: <>
> ...
> Does Nu Html Checker check for all WCAG 2.0 Level A, AA, and AAA issues?
> Or is it just for Level AA? 
> The reason I’m asking is because I doing a project using three
> accessibility checkers and only analyzing Level A issues on several
> website homepages. The two other accessibility checkers all have WCAG 2.0
> A, AA, and AAA levels to choose from, which is nice. Please let me know
> what WCAG 2.0 levels your checker uses when you have a minute.

The HTML checker does not attempt to explicitly do any WCAG checks at all.
It only implements checks for requirements in the HTML spec.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2017 13:17:11 UTC