RE: no re-evaluate button at CSS validator

It's sort of hard to use things when they are broken. I use the validator at Which one are you using? I don't think I'm aware of a re-validate button? What I'd love to see fixed are the "valid" buttons. You used to get a code snippet and a button to put on your website that proved it validated... but there's never been one made for HTML5, and they don't even seem to be in use at the nu or original validator links. You can still see them on the unicorn validator (for CSS only, not for HTML). This needs to be addressed. There's no reason not to have a "valid HTML5" (or whatever version of HTML it validates as) button on there, the exact same way as there is a "valid CSS" button one.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Richards [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 12:06 PM - 12:06 PM
Subject: no re-evaluate button at CSS validator

why is it so hard to fix anything these days. Does anybody else use it? if so maybe I need to open my eyes and look for it.

Received on Monday, 23 January 2017 17:35:22 UTC