Re: SVG not validating

Eloito <>, 2017-01-18 11:27 +0000:
> Archived-At: <>
> I am currently trying to validate a HTML5 file which contains SVG images.
> Those SVG have custom attributes which are not validated by the W3C html5
> validator. The note:id is then attacked by Js with DOM.
> Errors and warning are the following:
> Warning: Attribute note:id is not serializable as XML 1.0.
> Error: Attribute note:id not allowed on element rect at this point.
> <rect note:id="0" x="0" class="piano__key piano__key--natural" width="40" height="200"/>
> Is there any solution to obtain the validation?

There is no solution to “obtain validation” (see the explanation below).
Thar error about that “note:id” is because it’s not a standard SVG
attribute and the checker has no way to distinguish it from, say, a
misspelling of some attribute that is a standard SVG attribute.

If you want to *suppress* that error and warning, you can use the *Message
filtering* feature of the HTML Checker UI at

You can’t “obtain validation” from that tool (the current W3C HTML Checker),
because it’s not actually a validator. By that I mean specifically it does not
give you a binary pass/fail “Your document validates” result. Instead it’s just
intended to help you catch mistakes you might otherwise miss. You’re free to
ignore any messages it emits if you don’t consider them mistakes, and encouraged
to use the *Message filtering* feature to suppress any messages you care to.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 19:18:19 UTC