Re: Can I use your site safely to validate a private personal document?

> David Dorward wrote:
> > On 24 Mar 2014, at 23:55, Toshiyuki Arai wrote:
> >
> >> Can I use your site safely to validate a private personal document?
> >>
> >> I would like to know that the content pasted on your web page of direct
> >> validation mode
> >> is remained to be undisclosed and secret without being known to others.
> >
> > The data will be sent to the validation service, so it comes down to how
> > much you trust the people running the server.
> Does it not also depend on whether or not you trust the network
> over which the document will be carried ?  I am not in the least
> paranoid, and security is very rarely a concern for me, but if
> there were a document that I did not want to risk others seeing,
> I would not risk sending it over insecure HTTP.
> Philip Taylor

Thank you very much a helpful advice.

I would like to know what is the security or managment policy of the markup validation server and posted contents.
I guesss the posted data may be deleted immediately after validation processing on the validation server, 
but may be remained something cache for the data for a while.

I think that the direct input mode of the markup validator is much better to use secure protocol https, for security.
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Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 22:39:14 UTC