Not finding some errors

Hello there,


Thank you for making the awesome validator.


I have a webpage where the validator misses some validation issues.  So, I
have included information about the problem.


Sincerely yours,

Bessie Malek




I am including a URL, a text file of the source code, and a word document
with the errors that I am getting.


Here is the URL:
agueID=526462&ReturnTo=EventNames> &LeagueID=526462&ReturnTo=EventNames


In Chrome, I viewed the source of this page, copied it all, pasted it into
word, saved it as SourceCode.php, and attached it to this email.


I slapped the above URL into, checked show image
report and show source, clicked validate, copied the error output into Word,
saved it as ValidatorOutput.docx and attached it to this email.


Here's some errors I think the validator should have caught, but didn't.
Please refer to SourceCode.php:


Line 88 (in part):  <img src="../images/icons/help.png" border="0"
alt="Help" title="Help" />  (border="0")

Line 96:  <center><input type="submit" name="SubmitSubEvents" value="Save
Sub-Events" class="long-button" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"></center><br>

Line 98:  <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
(align="center", cellpadding, cellspacing)



Received on Saturday, 27 December 2014 16:36:59 UTC