Re: [VE][html5] Error while validating role="navigation" and role="group" on HTML5 document

2013-09-09 12:00, Thomas Beer wrote:

> Error [html5]:
> 1.Bad value group for attribute role on element ul.
> <ul id="group1" role="group">…</ul>
> 2.Bad value navigation for attribute role on element ul.
> <ul role="navigation"*>…<*/ul>
>           I think there is no error in the document structure because of
>           section „ARIA Role Attribute“.
> ·Every HTML element may have an ARIA |role
> <>|
> attribute specified.

Every element may have the role attribute, but the values of the 
attribute are limited by other rules. Specifically, (Implicit 
ARIA Semantics) says that for the ul element, "Role must be either 
directory, list, listbox, menu, menubar, tablist, toolbar, tree or 

A list of navigational links can be wrapped in a <nav> element, or in a 
<div> element with role=navigation. For the list itself, you can use 
<ul> without role attribute, since the default role=list is adequate. 
(The element is a list as such.)


Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 10:26:40 UTC