Re: checklink

2013-10-06 0:51, Coen Krol wrote:

> Validating
> This is in regards to the following 2 error messages:

Generally, you should first fix the errors that you understand, since 
this may give insight to those you don't and may even remove some 
cryptic error messages, since they were indirectly caused by an error 
that you fixed. There are 18 error messages and 14 warnings now.

> 1.  Bad value for attribute name on element a: An ID must not contain
> whitespace

This error message is slightly misleading due to technical reasons. It 
refers to "an ID" when it means the value of the name=... attribute. But 
the issue should be easy to see: the name=... attribute value contains a 
space, and this is not allowed. Presumably, some software is 
automatically generating those name=... attributes, without checking the 
validity of the value.

This error must be fixed in order to make the page valid and functional. 
However, if the name=... attribute value is not used in any link, or 
otherwise made use of, it's a harmless error - but then we can ask why 
it is generated in the first place.

> 2. The nam[e] attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an id attribute on
> the nearest container instead.

This sounds simple to me, so I cannot see what the problem with it is. 
Note that it is a warning, not an error message.

The relevant part of HTML5 CR is this:

"Authors should not specify the name attribute on a elements. - - In 
earlier versions of the language, this attribute was intended as a way 
to specify possible targets for fragment identifiers in URLs. The id 
attribute should be used instead."

There is usually no practical reason to fix this, but if you wish, the 
simplest change is to replace the name=... attribute by an id=... with 
the same value. It's not elegant, but it's simple to carry out.


Received on Sunday, 6 October 2013 20:31:34 UTC