
For the attention of the Validator W3 responsibles.
I have found some minor bugs in the result of a validation, I filed a bug
report but I didn't receive neither answer nor a consequence to such
Perhaps there was an error either in the report format or, on my side, in
the choice of the reporting service (I entered the reports via the W3 bug
tracker because of an error 504 - Gateway timeout in the service), so I am to refer the errors I found here.

<table sortable></table>

*Error*: Attribute sortable not allowed on element table at this point.

Attributes for element table:
Global attributesbordersortable
The attribute triggers an error but is present in the list of allowed

<textarea inputmode="latin"></textarea>

*Error*: Attribute inputmode not allowed on element textarea at this point.

Attributes for element textarea:
Global attributesautocompleteautofocuscolsdirnamedisabledforminputmode
Again the attribute is allowed but considered an error.IMO it is possible
that the validation is made against HTML5 CR spec (not including the exotic
attributes), while the allowed lists are taken from HTML5.1 ED, which allow
them. So it is possible that such errors are present in other elements.Thank
you for your kind attention. Regards.
*Andrea Rendine*

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 16:34:03 UTC