Re: Meta - Escaped quote should be OK - HTML4 strict (email)

On 14 Mar 2013, at 13:40, Denis TRUFFAUT <> wrote:
>         <meta name='description' content='\''>
> ... Fails
> Escaped quotes should be considered as valid.

The \ character does not form part of an escape-sequence in HTML. (C–style programming languages are not a major influence on HTML's design.)

Character references, such as you used in your first example, are the correct way to represent characters (as data) which have special meaning in markup.

If you suggesting a change to the HTML language (rather then reporting a perceived bug in the Validation Service) then you need to address it to the HTML Working Group. I don't think you would get very far though; you would be proposing an alternative syntax for something already achievable with the language that would break backwards compatibility.

David Dorward

Received on Friday, 15 March 2013 08:53:50 UTC