Re: [VE][47] End of document in prolog error using locally installed W3C validator

On Friday 12 November 2010, Ian Kent wrote:

> Error [47]: "end of document in prolog"
> I installed the validator using apt-get install w3c-markup-validator on
> Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop.
> If I run the following command given by the validator manually:
> /usr/bin/onsgmls -n -c /usr/share/w3c-markup-validator/catalog/sgml.soc -R
> -wvalid -wnon-sgml-char-ref -wno-duplicate I get the following error
> message:

This sounds like the Ubuntu validator packages may be quite badly outdated, 
validator hasn't used /usr/bin/onsgmls since version 0.8.0 (released 

I suggest notifying the Ubuntu package maintainers about this, and in the 
meantime installing from sources; instructions are at

Received on Friday, 12 November 2010 18:28:14 UTC