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Now what does this mean?     Line 1, Column 1: end of document in prolog 

NOTE: Whenever possible, give the address of the document you were checking.

Let me tell you something you may not know.  I have been trying to validate
the exact same HTML file over and over again. One time it will tell me there
is 1 error and other times it tells me there are 3 errors.  I do not touch
the file but revalidate it over and over again to haphazardly get different
error returns. I am wondering if your validator is worth anything at all.

How can you explain to me that I follow your exact DOCTYPE header info and it returns errors? But that's not the weird thing about it. I can understand making errors but after checking and rechecking  it sends me back either 3 or 1 error message.  I guess when it feels like it

Received on Friday, 3 December 2010 08:25:35 UTC