Re: [VE][73] Show the entire line of code around an error

On 30 Nov 2010, at 02:03, Andre Hayter wrote:

> It would be much more useful if it showed the whole line of code.

Turn on the Show Source preference in the options and the error message will include a hyperlink to the line number in the full source.

> For example in the above, line 261 in reference to what? In no source view can I see the tag in question at the line specified.

This suggests that you are either looking at some server side code that generates HTML instead of looking at the generated HTML that gets sent to the browser, or you are using ASP.NET WebForms which is notorious for performing user agent sniffing and sending completely different markup to user agents it considers "good" and user agents that it either considers "bad" or doesn't recognise (which include the Markup Validator).

David Dorward

Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2010 10:47:04 UTC