Re: PayPal continue shopping, Please open a new browser window to continue shopping.


> I get this message:    Please open a new browser window to continue shopping.
> Here is the form.  This page conforms to W3C XHTML 1.1 but the PayPal
> Button will not let me continue shopping.

this seems to be an issue related to PayPal and/or the way you set up
the forms (and for what it's worth, outside your test environment form
submission seems to return "PayPal cannot process this transaction
because of a problem with the seller's website. Please contact the
seller directly to resolve this problem."). Maybe you have a look at
PayPal's developer site [1] instead.

As for the forms, consider not wrapping them in paragraphs (but in
"fieldset" elements, at least), and to take care of styling in the
style sheets in question (once the forms are done, at least).


Jens Meiert

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2008 08:46:34 UTC