Re: Errors, warnings and website rank

Lee Johnson wrote:
> I am writing in regards to the correlation or lack thereof, concerning
> errors and warnings and how websites are ranked; especially on Google.

You'd probably be better off asking about this in an SEO forum - they
spend a lot of time trying to figure out what criteria search engines
use to judge sites.

> My question is why should I bother to use your validator at all?

The reasons I use it:

(1) It reduces the likelihood of a browser breaking part of the page

(2) It cuts maintenance costs (e.g. one benefit is that it makes picking
up typos in element and attribute names trivial)

(3) Other developers don't need to figure out what bit of error recovery
is being triggered in browsers by a particular bit of invalid code
before they can edit it so it does what they want.

David Dorward                               <>

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2008 09:43:25 UTC