Re: Missing attribute in a <script> element (Was: Re: [VE][127] Add Subject Here)

On 13 Jun 2008, at 11:03, Sierk Bornemann wrote:
> Am 13.06.2008 um 11:54 schrieb David Dorward:
>>> Only Internet Explorer and some older browsers lack the support

>> So only about 80% of the market lacks it.

> With this argument you can bury many standards/webstandards to  
> death, which Internet Explorer isn't able to support...
> Headlong XHTML at all.

There's a reason I stick to publishing HTML 4.01 when given the  
chance, and follow the HTML compatibility guidelines and serve as text/ 
html when I have to use XHTML for some reason.

In most circumstances, it isn't acceptable to break things for 80% of  

David Dorward

Received on Friday, 13 June 2008 10:08:05 UTC