Re: RDF embedded in SVG is well formed but breaks the validator

On Feb 16, 2008, at 18:55, ~:'' ありがとうございました。  

> has no DTD which is valid for SVG.

The W3C validator doesn't support validation of newer DTDless SVG  
versions (or DTDless anything).

> the W3C validator reports it is well-formed XML, but are the SVG and  
> RDF valid?

I'm not aware of any online validator that could validate SVG 1.2 Tiny  
+ RDF.

( could validate SVG 1.1 and could be set to acknowledge  
but not validate RDF subtrees. The official SVG 1.2 Tiny schema can't  
be used with currently, because the schema is incorrect  
when RELAX NG DTD Compatibility is enabled.)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2008 17:18:37 UTC