[VE][141] Add Subject Here

This is the one error I am getting. But I do not understand it. ID “line” is declared is my CSS so I am not sure why this error would occur. Thanks for the help.



1. ErrorLine 82, Column 19: ID "line" already defined.

                                                                      <div id="line"></div>

✉ <http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.riptidebaitandtackle.com%2Fpaxson%2Fthird%2520site%2F;errmsg_id=141#errormsg>  

An "id" is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element). 

2. InfoLine 43, Column 19: ID "line" first defined here.

                                                                      <div id="line"></div>


Validating http://www.riptidebaitandtackle.com/paxson/third%20site/ 
Error [141]: "ID X already defined" 

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2008 16:27:10 UTC