Re: Validator failure 20-Oct-2007 : reading javascript strings and checking them

Quoth SAMUEL MARCHANT <>, on 2007-10-20 18:20:08 +1000:
> My page uses Dynamic HTML, the validator should not be attempting to read the
> javascript strings, as far as i know(and was accepted in your previous validator
> version) onmouseover= and onmouseout= are legal attributes of tr.

onmouseover and onmouseout are valid attributes for XHTML 1.0
Transitional; onMouseover and onMouseout are not.

>From the validator output, emphasis mine:

  How to fix: check the spelling --> and case <-- of the element and attribute,
  --> (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) <--

As far as "attempting to read the JavaScript strings", yes, it does
treat stuff inside <script>..</script> as text that needs to be
encoded with entities if it contains stuff that you don't want to
interpret as tags.  This is exactly what the XML spec says on the tin.
If you don't like that, use external script files.  See << >>.

   ---> Drake Wilson

Received on Saturday, 20 October 2007 16:56:15 UTC