Something about the caching feature in 0.9.x

Hi Folks,

I read here:
that in the 0.9.x series you'll start using Last-Modified
to cache validation results and request again only

I'm very interested in that since the release of
our humble project
and I struggle with some say chaching "standards".
Not all servers provide "Last-Modified", some provide
"etag", other servers nothing and some others both![1]

In the roadmap I read: "Start caching validation results
locally and doing an If-Modified-Since..."

Will you fetch the url content? or just check for page
change (with HEAD)? How would you store such
meta-data about urls' "evolution in time" ?
I mean, where would you store information
such "Last-Modified" or "etag" ? uses a "fixed TTL cache", it's
a mean between two cases: very dynamic websites
and really static pages.
The best, of course, will be to use Last-Modified
and etag, but I'm not sure how reliable they are.


Be Valid or die learning

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2007 14:47:41 UTC