a couple of issues with SVG 1.1 Mobile DTD

Hello SVG WG.
(Cc: www-validator where the issues were first spotted)

We received a couple of bug reports concerning validation (via the  
published XML DTD) of SVG 1.1 mobile. After a quick investigation, it  
looks like there are a couple of locations in the DTD which a number  
of tools find problematic:

* http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-style.mod
line 74 col 21
=> duplicate definition of attribute "xml:space"

(this comes as a warning in opensp, but libxml croaks even more  
drastically on it)

* http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-clip.mod
around line 71-77

=> opensp just goes crazy about this, see output file attached.
=> when giving this to my oxygen editor, the editor complains about  
ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.content
  E The entity "SVG.Animation.class" was referenced, but not declared.

Are these issues with the XML validation tools, or the DTDs?


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2007 00:20:33 UTC