Re: [VE][141] Validator throws "not-unique" error on Case Sensitive IDs

On 2007-01-26 20:43, John Lascurettes wrote:

> Validating
> Error [141]: "ID X already defined"
> This paragraph has attribute id="Unique"
> This paragraph has attribute id="uNIQUE"
> The Validator throws this error:
> ID "UNIQUE" already defined.
> Shouldn't they be considered not the same ID since the ID attribute is 
> defined as case sensitive 
> ( UA's treat them 
> that way. Why is it an error in the Validator then?

The error is not in the validator, but in the spec. In SGML, the value 
of attributes with a declared value of ID are case folded, which means 
that both "Unique" and "uNIQUE" will end up as "UNIQUE".

David Håsäther

Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 22:40:13 UTC