Re: Feed Validator : Parsing error in Atom [entity preceding closing tag]

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 11:15:27AM +0100, Neil Smith wrote:
> When submitting a document in Atom format to the feed validator service 
> Inclusion of an & entity followed by a single character in the
> range a-zA-Z only, before the closing <title /> element tag causes
> the feed validator to report " EOF in middle of entity" :

I'm not an expert on ATOM, but I believe this is what is happening:

Your title element has a type attribute that specifies it contains
HTML and so the text must have special characters represented by
character references.

This HTML is being represented in XML, so any special characters in
the HTML source must also be represented as character entities.
Thus: foo&bar in text becomes
      foo&amp;bar in HTML and
      foo&amp;amp; in XML encoded HTML

You've only encoded the ampersand once, so are getting a warning.

> Use of more than one alpha character after the &amp; entity does not
> cause this error in the validator.  It should of course be
> reasonable to end a title element in for example E&amp;O, or in our
> case the abbreviation for a company, i.e A&amp;L

I'm now entering the realm of guesswork, but I suspect that you can't
have named entities with only one letter, so the parser knows that &O;
isn't a real entity, but that &Ox; could be.

(I read the mailing list, please address responses there and do not CC
David Dorward                            

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2006 10:56:51 UTC