Re: utf-8 validation help

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Well, the server _should_ send the encoding information

For many users of the online validator that won't fly, they
have some Web space somewhere, with a http server that won't
let them create dot-files (or ignores them, same effect).

> at least the page should have a <meta> tag with such info.

Yes, for HTML and some cases of XHTML 1.0.  The OP now picked
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>, for popular browsers
that should work (and it certainly works for the validator).

> The validator can _know_, and actually knows, that the
> encoding cannot be UTF-8, since the data is malformed if
> interpreted that way.

What should it do, try Latin-1 if UTF-8 fails, windows-1252 if
it still doesn't work ?  Or just ignore the spurious octets
reporting a summary "missing charset declaration, certainly no
UTF-8" ?


Received on Thursday, 31 August 2006 04:55:08 UTC