Re: What's with the Banana Peel?


You may be right that

 >> Because the image is only there for presentation and the alt 
attribute is only used for content images.

However, the WAI guidelines say "Provide a text equivalent for every 
non-text element" and give a long list of includes but no excludes. So 
unless I have misunderstood it take it up with them not me. See

 >> Help who? What benefit is there by giving alternate textual content 
for presentational images, for users without images enabled?

Given no one is 100% compliant it saves time and energy trying to work 
out what things are if even background decoration is labelled as such.

 >>Also, out of interest, what alternate content would you even suggest, 
considering that alt should convey the meaning of the image, not just 
describe how it looks

Well "background decoration" perhaps.


Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 13:57:05 UTC