Re: [VE][108] Error Message Feedback

["XHTML is all lower-case" v. "no attribute <FOO>"]

Lots of sympathy for both parties here : Jukka's position
is of course totally correct, but TU Internetbeauftragter's
is understandable.  Rather than the misleading

	"Remember that in XHTML, all attribute names must be in lower case."

(is it certain that this will remain true for all versions of XHTML ?),
I would prefer "no such attribute <FOO> : did you perhaps mean <foo> ?",
where <foo> can be programatically determined (perhaps as a small
finite set) of possible <foo> that are (a) syntactically valid
at this point, and (b) differ from <FOO> only in case or in
at most one letter.

Philip Taylor

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 23:09:04 UTC