Re: [VE][107] New Error Message Suggestion

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 11:23:32PM +0100, Marc TROJjER Kirkwood wrote:

>    attributeName="attributeName" would be annoying for me to have to
>    repeatedly type out, and it just looks silly

Do you /have/ to use XHTML?

>     -- am I the only person to notice this?? Can't you just use
>    something like checked="1" or checked="true"?

In HTML "checked" is not the attribute name, its the value. You write
'value' instead of 'name=value'. If XHTML 1.0 was designed from
scratch rather then being a port of HTML from SGML to XML, then it
might have been designed differently. The design makes sense when
taken in the context of the SGML features that were being used when it
was designed.

>    This seems better to me; I hate the idea of unnecessary
>    repetition, yet this way, the attribute still won't be empty --
>    just a bit shorter.  I hope it's not in the specification that
>    you have to repeat the name of the attribute

It is:

<!ATTLIST option
  selected    (selected)     #IMPLIED

> -- I see no reason why you should.

Its legacy. See above.

David Dorward                            

Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2005 22:31:00 UTC