Re: [VE][64] Error Message Feedback

Wesley wrote:
> I don't understand why my DOCTYPE won't allow the STYLE and BODY elements, any 
> ideas?  My DOCTYPE is
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
> "">

It depends, but the most likely suspect that I can think of is that 
you're using XML syntax to close an empty element such as <link /> or 
<meta /> before you've used the <style> and <body> elements.  in SGML 
and HTML 4.01, the /> syntax actually means this for empty elements:


The &gt; is treated as character data, which is not allowed in the 
<head>, but is within the <body>, so the <head> is implicitly closed and 
the <body> is opened.  Thus any <style> or <body> elements following 
that are not allowed because, technically, they would be appearing 
within the <body>, which they cannot do.

Of course, without seeing your actual makup, diagnosis is extremely 
difficult, so this is only speculation based on experience.  I could be 
completely wrong, so next time, please provide a URL, or at least a 
snippet of the HTML causing the problem, but a URL is preferred.

Lachlan Hunt    Rediscover the Web   Igniting the Web

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 02:01:28 UTC